The Booty Report

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Arr! Ed Dwight be takin' to the stars 63 years after settin' sail as the 1st Black Astronaut, savvy?


Arrr, Edward Dwight be one o' the first pilots the United States be groomin' fer a treacherous voyage to th' stars in '61, but alas, he be left behind. Yet on Sunday, he be gettin' his chance on a Blue Origin ship! Aye, the stars be callin' his name at last!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags, I've got a tale to tell ye about a brave soul named Edward Dwight. Back in 1961, the United States be trainin' pilots to journey to the stars, but poor ol' Edward got passed over like a bottle of rum at a dry tavern.
But fear not me hearties, for on a fine Sunday, Edward finally got his chance to soar among the stars aboard a Blue Origin flight. The heavens opened up and beckoned him to join their celestial dance.
Imagine the look on his face as he gazed upon the Earth from high above, like a true buccaneer surveyin' his vast ocean. The wind in his hair, the stars in his eyes, Edward Dwight be livin' the dream of every landlubber who ever dared to dream of touchin' the void.
So here's to Edward Dwight, the pilot who never gave up on his quest for the stars. May his journey be filled with wonder and adventure, and may he forever be remembered as a true pioneer of the final frontier. Raise yer grog in his honor and toast to the brave souls who dare to reach for the stars!

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