The Booty Report

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Arr mateys, hear about Mohammad Mokhber, the land lubber actin' as Iran's Cap'n. Aye, he be a tricky one!


Arrr, ye scallywag Mr. Mokhber be in cahoots with the grand poobah of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He be needin' to pick a new captain of the ship within 50 days. May the winds of democracy blow in his favor!

Arr matey! Listen up me hearties, for I have news of a scallywag by the name of Mr. Mokhber! He be a savvy businessman, tied to the likes of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Aye, he be up to his neck in all sorts of shenanigans, but now he be faced with a task fit for a pirate captain!
He must hold elections for a new president within 50 days, or risk walkin' the plank himself! Aye, the pressure be on for this old sea dog, and the whole crew be watchin' to see if he can pull it off. Will he navigate the treacherous waters of politics, or will he be left to sink like a stone?
But fear not me hearties, for we shall be watchin' from afar, with a tankard of grog in hand and a hearty laugh in our bellies. For Mr. Mokhber be in for a wild ride, and we be here to enjoy the show. So raise the Jolly Roger me mateys, for the adventure be just beginnin'!

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