The Booty Report

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Arrr! Dublin to New York passage be open again after some flashy business and other mischief afoot! Arrr!


Arrr me hearties! The link between Ireland and the Big Apple be restored after some scallywags caused a ruckus. The good folk in Dublin be celebratin', while the rest of us be left wonderin' what shenanigans went down. Aye, the mysteries of the high seas!

Arrr me hearties, listen up! Last week, the connection between Ireland and New York City was cut off due to some shady shenanigans. But fear not, me mateys, for the video link be back on now! The people of Dublin were over the moon with joy, celebratin' in the streets and raisin' their tankards high.
It be a grand sight to see, with the jolly folk of Dublin makin' merry once again. The connection be crucial for keepin' in touch with our friends across the sea, sharin' news and gossip from afar. No longer will we be left in the dark about what be happenin' in the Big Apple.
So let's raise a cheer and give thanks to those who fixed the connection, bringin' us back in touch with our brethren in New York City. May the waves of the internet flow freely between us, allowin' us to continue our lively banter and keepin' us connected across the vast ocean. Arrr, it be a good day for the people of Dublin indeed!

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