The Booty Report

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Arrr, lasses be avoidin' cannabis while with child, lest ye want scarce counselin' from the wise women! Aye!


Arrr matey! Avast ye! 'Tis said that many a lass who partook in the devil's lettuce whilst carryin' a wee buccaneer, did not speak of it with the ship's doctor. Aye, 'tis a study from the land lubbers at MDedge News, 'tis true! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A new study be sayin' that more than half of the lasses who used the devil's lettuce, also known as marijuana, while carryin' a wee babe reported that no talks about substance use occurred durin' their prenatal visit. Aye, ye heard that right!
It be a mighty concernin' matter, me hearties. The health of both the mother and the unborn child be at risk when such conversations don't happen. We need to be makin' sure that all lasses receive proper guidance and information about the dangers of usin' substances while carryin' a wee babe.
So, me fellow pirates, let's band together and spread the word about the importance of discussin' substance use during pregnancy. Let's not let our fellow lasses sail through this journey without the proper knowledge and support. We be all in this together, lookin' out for one another and protectin' the health of our future generations.

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