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Arrr! The scallywags in Ukraine be lobbin' French cannonballs at Luhansk, says the Pro-Russia official! Blimey!


Arrr mateys! The scallywag leader of the Russia-installed administration in Ukraine's Luhansk region be claimin' that Kyiv be slingin' French-supplied missiles at 'em! Har har, sounds like a right ol' tussle o'er thar in them parts. Let's see who comes out on top!

Arr, me hearties! The scallywag Leonid Pasechnik, leader of the Russia-installed administration in Ukraine's Luhansk region, be accusing Kyiv of using French supplied missiles in an attack near the city of Luhansk. He be showin' videos of the aftermath of this alleged missile strike at a settlement near Luhansk, claimin' that French cruise missiles SCALP EG be causin' damage to buildings and vehicles, but not mentionin' any deaths or injuries.In his telegram channel, Pasechnik be postin' video and a still photograph showin' factory serial numbers and French inscriptions on a suspected missile fragment. Reuters not be able to verify his claims, and Kyiv not be commentin' on the accusation.Luhansk be one of the regions of Ukraine that Russia be partly occupyin', claimin' as its own in 2022 in a move condemned as illegal by Ukraine and most countries at the United Nations General Assembly. This be a tense situation on the high seas of international relations, with accusations flyin' like cannonballs and no end in sight to the conflict.

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