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Cap'n Turkey be complainin' about Eurovision turnin' folks into scallywag with no gender! Arrr, me hearties, what nonsense be this?


Avast ye scallywags! Turkey's President Erdogan be claimin' that the Eurovision Song Contest be underminin' the good ol' family values and promotin' this 'gender neutralization' malarkey. Arrr, me thinks he be watchin' too much telly!

In a speech after a Cabinet meeting, Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, bashed the Eurovision Song Contest, accusing it of promoting "gender neutralization" and attacking the traditional family. He called participants "Trojan horses of social corruption" and defended Turkey's absence from the competition since 2012. This was likely aimed at Swiss singer Nemo, who recently won Eurovision with a song about embracing a nongender identity, becoming the first nonbinary winner in the contest's history.Erdogan, whose party has Islamic roots, criticized the event for being a gathering place for what he deemed as abnormal people, particularly those from the LGBTQ community. He claimed that Turkey's decision to boycott Eurovision for over a decade was the right one.Additionally, Erdogan expressed concerns about declining birth rates in Turkey, labeling it as an "existential threat" and urging families to have more children. The country's birth rate dropped to 1.51 children per woman in 2023, prompting Erdogan to emphasize the importance of larger families.

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