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Arrr, the British court be sayin' Julian Assange can fight extradition like a true pirate, savin' freedom o' speech!


Arrr mateys! Ye scallywag Julian Assange be celebratin' after the British High Court gave him a thumbs up in his fight against extradition to the cursed land of the U.S.! He be plannin' to appeal the order on espionage charges, savvy? Aye, the pirate's life be full of twists and turns!

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be news from the high court that Julian Assange, the scallywag behind WikiLeaks, may be fightin' extradition to the U.S. on charges of espionage for leakin' classified U.S. military secrets. The British judges, Victoria Sharp and Jeremy Johnson, sided with Assange's crew, claimin' that the U.S. government's promise of fair treatment in court be nothin' but bilge water.If the scurvy dog be sent to Alexandria, Virginia, he could be facin' up to 175 years in a Yankee brig for his crimes. The charges stem from his publishin' of secret cables that detailed the misdeeds of the U.S. government in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo Bay, as well as the CIA's dabblin' in torture.Assange's kin be celebratin' the court's decision as a victory for free speech, with his brother Gabriel shoutin' from the crow's nest that they be one step closer to bringin' him home. Assange's wife, Stella, be callin' on the Americans to drop their pursuit of her mate, lamentin' the toll this legal battle be takin' on him.Despite the U.S.'s assurances that Assange won't be swingin' from the gallows, his lawyers be arguin' that the protections of the First Amendment be not enough to save him from the plank. The court be grantin' him a chance to appeal on grounds of free speech, but the final chapter of this tale be far from written.

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