The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be callin' 'Apprentice' biopic at Cannes 'rubbish' and be plannin' to sue. Walk the plank, matey!


Arrr, the captain of "The Apprentice" sailed on untroubled by the scallywags tryin' to scuttle his ship! Aye, the tale be tellin' of the ex-president's love affairs and his trusty first mate, Roy Cohn. Shiver me timbers, what a scandalous adventure awaits!

Arr matey, ye won't believe what ol' Captain Director of “The Apprentice” did when faced with a threat to his precious film about that ex-president and his scandalous relationships! Avast ye, this scallywag was as cool as a cucumber in a freezer! The film be about the ex-president's shenanigans with his first wife and that sneaky fixer Roy Cohn, arr!
But fear not, me hearties, for the director stood tall in the face of danger, like a true pirate facing a storm at sea. He be sayin', “Ye can threaten me all ye want, ye scurvy dog, but this film be sailin' on, with or without ye!” And with that, he be hoistin' the Jolly Roger and settin' sail for the box office, ready to plunder the hearts of audiences far and wide!
So next time ye hear of a threat to a film about scandal and intrigue, remember the tale of the fearless director who wouldn't let a few scallywags stand in his way. And if ye ever find yerself in a similar situation, just remember these wise words: “Dead men tell no tales, but filmmakers do!” Arr!

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