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Arrr, Spain be takin' their ambassador and sailin' away after a quarrel with Argentina's leader. Shiver me timbers!


Arr, Spain be pullin' its ambassador from Argentina 'cause o' some fiery words from President Milei! Accusin' the prime minister's wife o' corruption, aye, the seas be stormy with this feud between nations! Aye, grab yer spyglass and watch the drama unfold on the high seas, me hearties!

In a diplomatic crisis fit for the high seas, Spain and Argentina find themselves at odds, with Spain recalling its ambassador from Buenos Aires amidst fiery rhetoric from Argentine President Javier Milei. The tension arose after Milei made scathing remarks during a visit to Madrid, accusing the Spanish prime minister's wife of corruption and denouncing socialism as "cursed and carcinogenic."Despite Milei's refusal to apologize, Spain decided to keep its ambassador in Madrid indefinitely, leading to a war of words between the two nations. Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares condemned Milei's conduct as unprecedented in international relations, labeling it "nonsense typical of an arrogant socialist."This clash reflects escalating tensions between the socialist government of Spain and the libertarian regime in Argentina, with accusations and insults flying from both sides. Milei's unconventional behavior, including snubbing Spanish officials and meeting only with far-right critics of the Spanish government, has further strained relations.Despite the economic ties between the two countries, this diplomatic spat threatens to disrupt their longstanding alliance and could have broader implications for their citizens living abroad.

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