The Booty Report

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Arrr, ICC be helpin' Netanyahu keep his ship afloat in Israel. Yarrr!


Arrr, behold the scallywags at The Hague, cryin' foul play! Methinks they be talkin' like a bunch o' landlubbers, showin' their true colors. 'Tis a fine day for jests and japes, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! The scallywags at The Hague be cryin' foul play, accusin' Israel's captain of hypocracy. Aye, they be claimin' he be breakin' the rules o' the high seas, but do they have a plank to stand on?
Me thinks not! This be the pot callin' the kettle black, if ye catch me drift. The buccaneers at The Hague be quick to condemn, but do they be lookin' in their own hold? Methinks they be havin' skeletons in their own closet, arr!
The prime minister be defendin' his honor like a true pirate captain, standin' tall in the face o' adversity. The scallywags at The Hague may be barkin' up the wrong mast, but the seas be full o' treachery and deceit.
So let the cannons roar and the swords clash, for the battle be far from over. The prime minister be fightin' for his reputation and his ship, and he be showin' the world that he be no landlubber.

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