The Booty Report

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Arr, Iran's Supreme Scallywag leads funeral prayers for the Cap'n! Yo ho ho, may he rest in Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr, the scurvy dogs in Iran be tellin' tales of the Hamas leader's visit to the capital for a funeral. No word yet on which fancy pants foreigners be showin' up to pay their respects. Let's hope they bring rum to drown their sorrows!

Arr, the scallywags in Iran be tellin' tales o' the Hamas leader makin' his way to the capital for a funeral. 'Tis a sad day indeed, mateys. But the question be, who be showin' up to pay their respects? Will there be foreign dignitaries sailin' in on their fancy ships, or will it be a humble sendoff with only the locals in attendance?
Ye see, in times like these, ye never know who be showin' up to the party. Will it be a grand affair with cannons firin' and flags flyin', or will it be a quiet affair with only the sound o' the waves lappin' at the shore? Only time will tell, me hearties.
But mark me words, there be whispers on the wind that this funeral be a matter o' great importance. The fate o' nations may be decided on this day, so keep a weather eye on the horizon, me buckos. Ye never know what may come sailin' in on the next tide.

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