The Booty Report

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GĂ©rard Depardieu be givin' the Paparazzi scallywag a taste o' his fist outside a fancy cafe in Rome! Arrr!


Arrr matey! Mr. Depardieu, a salty sea dog of 75 years, be caught in a scuffle with a 79-year-old photographer on the treacherous seas of Via Veneto. Aye, it be a battle of ages, aye! Hoist the sails and prepare for a fierce showdown!

Arrr matey! Did ye hear about the scallywag Gerard Depardieu, aye 75 years old, who was caught givin' a good wallop to the 79-year-old photographer Rino Barillari on the famous Via Veneto? Aye, 'tis true! The old sea dog Depardieu was spotted in a bit of a scuffle with the old sea dog Barillari, and it seems he let his temper get the best of him!
Now, I ain't one to gossip, but it seems that this ain't the first time Depardieu has found himself in hot water. The old salt has a reputation for his fiery temper and run-ins with the law. Seems like he just can't seem to keep himself out of trouble, even at his age!
But ye know what they say about old sea dogs - they never lose their bite! So I reckon we'll be hearin' more tales of Mr. Depardieu and his escapades in the days to come. But for now, let's raise a toast to the old sea dog and hope that he finds his way back to calm waters soon!

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