The Booty Report

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Arrr, 'The Booty' and 'Emilia the Pirate Queen' be makin' waves at Cannes, aye matey! A show fit for scurvy dogs!


Arrr! "The Substance" be showin' Demi Moore in full sail, givin' it her all! And "Emilia Pérez" be a musical crime tale so wild, ye can't even put it in a bottle! Set yer sails and enjoy the show, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis time to spin ye a yarn about two fine pieces o' entertainment that be worth a watch. First off, we got "The Substance," starring the feisty Demi Moore, who be givin' it her all in this here film. She be goin' for broke, showin' off her skills as a fierce actress. Ye best be holdin' on to yer hats, mateys, 'cause this be a wild ride!

And then we got "Emilia Pérez," a musical crime drama that be like nothin' ye ever seen before. It be defyin' description, leavin' ye scratchin' yer head tryin' to figure out what in Davy Jones' locker be goin' on. But fear not, me hearties, for this be a good thing! It be keepin' ye on yer toes, entertainin' ye from start to finish.

So gather round, me buckos, and set sail for a cinematic adventure like no other. "The Substance" and "Emilia Pérez" be waitin' for ye to discover 'em, so grab yer popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show! Yarrr!

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