The Booty Report

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Avast ye! A mighty twister hath struck Haiti, injuring 50 souls and leavin' hundreds without a roof over their heads. Arrr!


Arr mateys! The U.N. be tellin' us of a fearsome tornado wreakin' havoc in Bassin-Bleu! Over 50 landlubbers be injured, and 200 homes be sent to Davy Jones' locker! Ten poor souls be fightin' for their lives in the infirmary. Avast, what a calamity!

Arrr mateys, a rare tornado be causin' chaos in northern Haiti, injurin' more than 50 scallywags and destroyin' over 200 homes, as the U.N. be reportin' on Wednesday. The tornado be strikin' the community of Bassin-Bleu, leavin' more than 300 families homeless, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.This office be mentionin' that at least 10 souls be seriously injured, with local media spreadin' the news that they be taken to the healin' huts. Haiti’s civil protection agency and the Red Cross be the first responders, assessin' the damage caused by this whirlwind of destruction.The civil protection agency be warnin' of heavy rain on the horizon for most of Haiti, includin' the area struck by the tornado, raisin' the alarm for possible floodin' and landslides. Ahoy, the situation be dire in Haiti, as the island faces yet another challenge in the midst of its already troubled waters.

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