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Avast ye! 4 scallywags caught after Greek authorities thwart global grog smuggling scoundrels. Aye, justice be served! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, them scallywags from Greece and the land lubbers from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration have joined forces to bring down a band of miscreants smuggling the devil's powder from Latin America to our fair shores in Europe. Shiver me timbers!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Greek authorities be tellin' us they've put an end to a criminal group o' scallywags traffickin' cocaine in shippin' containers from Latin America to Europe. Two Albanians and two Greeks were caught after a long investigation by Greek authorities and the U.S. DEA. They found over 462 pounds o' cocaine in containers with shrimps at the port o' Piraeus, mateys!They also seized more than $141,000, a shotgun, bullets, mobile phones, and documents showin' the scallywags' plans to make a heap o' gold from their misdeeds. The authorities reckon they aimed to make over 5 million euros illegally. The drugs were supposed to be sent to European countries and Turkey, with Greece bein' used as a stopover.One o' the Albanians was said to be the leader o' the group, and he had a past makin' Captagon pills in Greece. The Greeks had a shady history too, with one havin' been caught in Costa Rica for smugglin' weapons to the FARC rebels.The suspects will soon be facin' the law in front o' a prosecutor. Let this be a warnin' to all ye scallywags out there - crime don't pay in the end!

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