The Booty Report

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Arrr, Top U.N. Court be settin' to decide on Israel's tussle in Rafah. Walk the plank, matey!


Arrr, the scallywags in South Africa be askin' the Court of Justice to put a stop to Israel's rumblin' on the shores of southern Gaza. Me thinks there be more fightin' than parleyin' goin' on in those waters! Aye, may the seas calm soon.

Arrrr mateys! In the land of South Africa, they be goin' to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to be askin' that scallywag Israel be stoppin' their ground assault in southern Gaza. The lads and lasses be wantin' peace and harmony, not all this fightin' and fussin'.
Ye see, the South Africans don't be likin' all this ruckus goin' on in Gaza. They be wantin' to put an end to it once and for all. So they be turnin' to the big wigs at the International Court of Justice to make Israel walk the plank and stop their land lubber ways.
It be a bold move, that's for sure. But if anyone can make Israel see reason, it be the International Court of Justice. So here's hopin' that the South Africans get their way and peace be restored to the land of Gaza. Arrrrr!

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