The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the International Criminal Court be strugglin' after 20 long years and loads o' booty spent! Aye, sanctions be on the horizon from the landlubbers in the US!


Arrr, the International Criminal Court be causin' quite a ruckus with the U.S. scallywags ever since they started pokin' their noses into American affairs. 'Tis like a bunch of landlubbers tryin' to tell us how to sail our own ship! Aye, they be walkin' the plank soon enough!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, some salty experts be questioning the worth o' the International Criminal Court (ICC), mateys. Arr, Orde Kittrie, a law professor from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, be saying the ICC be spendin' over $2 billion and only gettin' less than 10 successful prosecutions in its more than 20 years sailin' the high seas. As of July 2022, the ICC be seein' 31 cases, with only 10 convictions and four acquittals. The court be issuin' 37 arrest warrants, catchin' 21 swashbucklers, while 12 be still at large, according to the European Union.The ICC be havin' a budget o' $183,500,000 for 2023, a 20% increase from the previous year. Each member state be payin' based on their economy, with Japan, Germany, and France bein' the top contributors. The court be dividin' its budget into nine categories, relyin' heavily on cooperation from its members.Sanctions against the ICC be a risky move, as previous actions against the court bein' met with criticism. The Biden administration be cooperatin' more with the ICC, despite opposition from some quarters. The Rome Statute have 124 signatories, but some major nations, like the U.S. and China, still be holdin' out. The ICC be prosecutin' crimes like genocide and war crimes, with a checkered history since its inception in 2002.

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