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Arr, in Brazil, plantin' mangroves be key to battlin' the dangers of climate change, mateys! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that 30,000 mangrove trees be planted by Brazilian do-gooders at the Instituto Mar Urbano, aye! 'Tis be boostin' the ecosystems and lessening the risk o' floods, savvy? Them scallywags be helpin' nature and protectin' the land, arrr!

In the rear of Rio de Janeiro's polluted Guanabara Bay, thousands of mangroves now stand tall thanks to a non-profit organization's efforts. These trees, reaching up to 13 feet high, serve as a model for other cities looking to boost climate resilience through natural means. Mangroves play a crucial role in protecting against the increasing frequency of floods worldwide, as seen in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state.By slowing sea water's advance and stabilizing soil, mangroves act as a shield against storm surges and carbon sink. The reforestation in Rio's bay has enhanced water cleanliness, attracting marine species like crabs, benefiting local crab pickers. The director of the non-profit emphasized the importance of environmental recovery and climate change combat through tree planting.Although mangroves weren't the direct cause of flooding in Porto Alegre, a coastal risk map predicts areas in Rio facing submersion by 2050. Natural vegetation like that in Guapimirim plays a critical role in flood prevention, protecting millions of residents. The increase in flood-related disasters globally underscores the urgency for reforestation efforts in flood-prone regions like Rio Grande do Sul.

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