The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ohio be bootin' out the scallywags from the voter rolls after passin' the amendment! Shiver me timbers!


Avast ye scallywags! The landlubbers in Ohio be banishing noncitizens from voting, me hearties! Secretary of State Frank LaRose be sendin' those scurvy dogs back to Davy Jones' locker, aye! 137 of 'em be caught red-handed on the voter rolls, despite bein' twice confirmed as landlubbers. Aye, me hearties, the directive be confirmed by LaRose in a press... Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Listen up, me hearties! The landlubbers in Ohio be passin' an amendment to ban noncitizens from votin', and Secretary of State Frank LaRose be takin' action to remove 137 of these scurvy dogs from the voter registration rolls.
Arrr, the Secretary of State's crew in the Public Integrity Division and Office of Data Analytics and Archives have discovered these 137 bilge rats still hangin' around on the voter rolls, even though their lack of citizenship had been confirmed not once, but twice! It be like tryin' to sneak a parrot into a tavern without anyone noticin'!
Captain LaRose be makin' it known to all the land that these scallywags be walkin' the plank and gettin' removed from the voter rolls faster than ye can say "shiver me timbers." The press be confirmatin' this directive from the Secretary of State, so ye best believe that these noncitizens won't be castin' any votes in Ohio anytime soon!

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