The Booty Report

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The cap'n of The Last of Us be defendin' his honor from the scallywags who misunderstood his words. Aye, tis a shame.


Arrr, methinks Neil Druckmann be talkin' a load o' bilge! His words be as crooked as a scallywag's peg leg after a night o' rum drinkin'. Let's hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for the truth, me hearties!

Arr matey, let me tell ye a tale about Neil Druckmann and his comments on redefining "mainstream perceptions." The scallywag be sayin' that these comments weren't quite accurate, if ye can believe it. He be suggestin' that the notion of changin' mainstream perceptions be a bit far-fetched, like tryin' to find a buried treasure without a map.
But let me tell ye, this Druckmann fella be a joker. He be sayin' that ye can't just wave a magic wand and make the whole world see things yer way. He be talkin' about the challenges of breakin' through the norm and gettin' folks to see things from a different perspective.
But I say, why not give it a try? Who knows what wonders ye might discover if ye be brave enough to challenge the status quo. So let's raise our glasses and toast to Neil Druckmann, the pirate of the mainstream, who be remindin' us that sometimes ye just gotta sail against the wind to find yer treasure.

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