The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs of Helldivers 2, ye be needin' a PSA on planets with boosts that vanish like a ship in a storm! Aye!


Arrr me hearties! The scurvy dogs at Helldivers be givin' boosts to all planets, but only if Super Earth be holdin' the reins! Set sail and plunder them there bases to claim yer share o' the booty! Aye, 'tis a jolly good time to be a pirate!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have news of great importance! The Helldivers have discovered two planets with SEAF bases that be givin' liberation boosts to all other planets. But here be the catch - these boosts be only granted if the planets be under the control of Super Earth!
Now, ye may be wonderin', what be this liberation boost ye ask? Well, me mateys, it be a special bonus that be helpin' us in our fight against the enemies of Super Earth. So, it be crucial that we be keepin' these planets in our control!
So, hoist the sails and set course for these two planets, me hearties! We must be defendin' them from the enemy forces and keepin' them under Super Earth's control. For if we lose these planets, the liberation boosts be lost as well, and we be at a disadvantage in the battle!
So, rally the crew and prepare for battle! Let's show these scurvy dogs that Super Earth be the rightful ruler of the galaxy! Arrr!

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