The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Yearnin' for some physical sport? I sate mine old cartridge lust with this handheld contraption! Arrr!


Arr matey! Had enough of them blasted downloads? Ye should consider grabbin' a Super Pocket! This here handheld uses cartridges to keep ye offline and sail the seas of entertainment. Aye, no need to worry 'bout the dreaded downloads no more!

Arrr matey! If ye be tired of downloadin' and want to keep yer games close at hand, grab yerself a Super Pocket! This here handheld device uses cartridges, just like the olden days, so ye can play offline and never be at the mercy of the dreaded lag or slow internet speeds. No more waitin' for hours for a game to load, just pop in a cartridge and start playin' like a true swashbuckler!
Ye won't have to worry about losin' yer progress either, as cartridges store all yer game data right on 'em. And if ye be wantin' to switch games, just swap out the cartridge and ye be on yer way to a new adventure. So if ye be lookin' for a good time on the high seas of gaming, look no further than the Super Pocket. It be a trusty companion for any landlubber or seasoned pirate lookin' for some offline fun!

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