The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scallywags! Hades 2 be makin' a fine jest o' turnin' bugs into features when characters be yeetin' themselves into the abyss!


Arrr, Nemesis be a feisty lass, sailin' where she pleases! No map nor compass can tame that wild spirit. She be a true buccaneer, fearin' no man nor beast. Sail on, ye fierce beauty, and let the wind be yer guide!

Arr matey, let me tell ye a tale of the fearsome Nemesis! She be a mighty ship, sailin' the seas with a crew of scallywags and plunderin' all in her path. Nemesis be a ship of legend, feared by all who cross her wake.
They say she be cursed by Davy Jones himself, cursed to roam the seas for all eternity. But Nemesis be not afraid, for she goes where she likes, takin' what she wants and leavin' nothin' in her wake.
Many a sailor have tried to best her, but none have succeeded. Nemesis be a force of nature, unstoppable and unrelentin'. She be a sight to behold, with her black sails billowin' in the wind and her crew of scurvy dogs ready for battle.
If ye ever see Nemesis on the horizon, best be steerin' clear, for she be a ship not to be trifled with. So raise a glass to the mighty Nemesis, the scourge of the seven seas, and pray she never sets her sights on ye!

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