The Booty Report

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21 scallywags sent to Davy Jones' locker in a grand strike on a tent camp in Al-Mawasi, says Gazan officials! Arrr!


Arrr, word be spreadin' faster than a sailor climbin' the mast! Just a couple o' days after a fiery disaster took the lives o' many a soul in Rafah, another tragedy befallen the poor displaced folk. Aye, the skies be dark and stormy for these unfortunate souls.

Arrr, mateys! Have ye heard the latest news from the high seas? Just two days ago, a fierce fire ravaged a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. 'Twas a tragic event, with dozens of souls sent to Davy Jones' locker by the flames.
But that ain't the end of the tale, me hearties! Now we hear reports that this inferno was caused by none other than an Israeli airstrike. Aye, the scallywags at the helm of the ship of Israel be playin' with fire, quite literally!
Ye can't help but wonder what be goin' on in the minds of these landlubbers. Be they tryin' to send a message to the Palestinians? Or be they just a bunch of fools who don't know how to handle their cannons?
Whatever the reason, it be a sad day for all us pirates when we hear of such senseless loss of life. Let's raise a tankard of grog to those poor souls who perished in the flames, and may they find peace in the great beyond. And let's hope that those responsible for this tragedy be brought to justice, or else we'll have to take matters into our own hands!

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