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Arrr, the US health secretary be claimin' that a pact on the world plague treaty be just within reach!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags be gatherin' to put an end to the blabberin' about a treaty for this cursed pandemic. But it seems some countries be thinkin' 'bout stretchin' this whole ordeal out a wee bit longer, arrr!

Arrr mateys! The top U.S. health official be sayin' it would be a tragedy for the world to miss out on key reforms to the global pandemic response. A treaty deal be within reach, with no major differences between negotiators. Health officials be gatherin' in Geneva this week to try to wrap up more than two years of negotiations on a pandemic treaty and updates to International Health Rules. But, the treaty be not yet finalized and countries be thinkin' about an extension."I believe we be gettin' this done," says U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. "It would be a tragedy not to, especially given how far we've come." He be warnin' that somethin' be comin' to broadside us, and we best be ready.Around 80% of the pandemic agreement be agreed upon, but controversial topics like financing and drug sharing be still up for debate. African countries be pushin' for measures against COVID-era hoardin'. However, Becerra be downplayin' the differences, sayin' there be no substantive disagreement on essential elements.The United States be puttin' much on the table for a deal, with a delegate sayin' that IHR regulation reforms should be finalized this week. Washington be supportin' a one- to two-year extension of the treaty talks. Aye, let's hope for a smooth sailin' ahead!

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