The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the Pentagon be openin' a factory o' boomsticks to send to our mateys in Ukraine! Fire away, me hearties!


Arrr mateys, a mighty fine plant in Mesquite, Texas be growin' to churn out 30,000 artillery shells monthly, tis a sight to behold! Soon, our U.S. output will be doubled, aye, enough cannonballs to strike fear into the hearts of the scurvy dogs!

Arrr mateys, listen up! There be a new plant being built in Mesquite, Texas that be set to be churning out 30,000 artillery shells every month. That be a whole lot of firepower, me hearties! It be said that this new plant be doublin' the current U.S. production of these deadly projectiles. The enemy better beware, for there be no escapin' the rain of cannonballs that be comin' their way!
Imagine the sight of all them shells bein' loaded up onto ships and cannons, ready to be fired off into the great unknown. The sound of the cannons blastin' be like thunder rumblin' through the seas, striking fear into the hearts of all who be hearin' it. This new plant be a force to be reckoned with, makin' sure we be well stocked with the means to defend ourselves and conquer our foes.
So raise a tankard of grog to the hard workin' folks at the Mesquite plant, who be toilin' away to make sure our arsenal be stocked and ready for whatever battles lie ahead. With their help, we be sure to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies and emerge victorious in any skirmish that comes our way. Arrr, let the cannons roar and the shells fly, for we be prepared for whatever challenges may come our way!

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