The Booty Report

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Arrr, Israel be claimin' control o'er the Gaza corridor, keepin' a watchful eye on them scallywags from Egypt.


Arrr, Israel be claimin' they need to control the passageway due to them pesky Hamas tunnels into Egypt, but Egypt be swearin' there be no tunnels at all! Methinks someone be tellin' tales to keep control of the booty! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Listen up as I tell ye a tale of the high seas and the land of sand! Israel be claimin' that they need to control the corridor to Egypt to keep an eye on them sneaky tunnels Hamas be diggin'. But Egypt be sayin' there be no tunnels at all!
It be a right puzzlin' situation, me hearties! Who be tellin' the truth? Be the tunnels real or be they just a trick of the eye? Only time will tell as this battle of words continues to rage on.
But let me tell ye, it be a mighty interestin' showdown between these two lands. Israel be fightin' to protect their borders while Egypt be standin' firm in their denial of the tunnels existence. Who be right and who be wrong? Only Davy Jones himself be knowin' for sure!
So keep yer eyes peeled and yer ears open, me buckos! The saga of the tunnels into Egypt be far from over, and the truth of the matter be as murky as the waters of the deep blue sea. Arrr!

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