The Booty Report

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Biden be talkin' like he be sailin' with Martin Luther King himself, but methinks he be tellin' tall tales! Aarrggghhh!


Avast ye, me hearties! President Biden be spinning tales of his swashbuckling adventures in the Civil Rights Movement, despite confessing aforehand that he be not involved. Arrr! 'Tis a bold move, sailin' into battleground Pennsylvania with such a yarn. Methinks he be needin' a compass for his moral compass! Aye!

Arr matey! Listen here ye scallywags! President Biden be talkin' a load of balderdash, claimin' he was part of the Civil Rights Movement when he was just a wee lad! He be tryin' to win over black voters in Pennsylvania with his tales of activism, but he be forgettin' that he already told the truth before!
The old sea dog be spoutin' off about how he joined the fight for civil rights in 1969, but we all know he be tellin' tall tales! Biden be tryin' to make himself look like a hero, but we all know he be just a landlubber tryin' to win favor with the crowd.
So next time ye hear President Biden spin his yarns about the Civil Rights Movement, just remember that he be talkin' out of the side of his mouth! The old salt be tryin' to pull the wool over our eyes, but we be too smart for his tricks!

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