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Yarr, the new swashbuckler in charge vows to find harmony after being picked by the council of scallywags. Arrr!


Arrr! The new cap'n of Haiti, Garry Conille, be swearin' to bring the scallywags together in his first official declaration since bein' chosen by the council to lead the ship. May the winds of unity blow in his favor!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, Haiti's newly chosen Prime Minister Garry Conille vowed to seek unity Wednesday in his first statement since a transitional council selected him to head the government in the troubled Caribbean country under siege by criminal gangs. Conille thanked the civil society groups, political parties, and members of the Haitian diaspora who proposed him as a candidate, saying he was "very honored" to have been chosen.Conille submitted his resignation as UNICEF’s regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, a post he has held since January 2023. He faces the monumental task of leading Haiti, which is under siege by gangs controlling at least 80% of the capital. The transitional council, which selected Conille, is also tasked with arranging presidential elections before early 2026.The council members selected Conille as the prime minister role, noting that he was one of five prequalified candidates interviewed. Conille will replace interim Prime Minister Michel Patrick Boisvert and faces an ongoing surge in gang violence. Kenyan President William Ruto also congratulated Conille and expressed readiness to work with the new government to restore Haiti to sustainable development.

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