The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, this elixir be bringin' jolly mood and sound sleep to the weary seadogs! Aye, worth a try!


Ahoy mateys! 'Tis be said that the mystical potion known as Seltorexant be a remedy for the blues and the sleepless nights! Aye, in a grand trial they found it to be a treasure for both depression and insomnia. 'Tis a fine discovery indeed!

Arr mateys, ye scallywags! Listen up, for I have some news that be worthy of yer attention. In a recent study, the good ship Seltorexant, a selective orexin-2 receptor antagonist, be showin' promise in treatin' the symptoms of depression and insomnia. Aye, ye heard me right! This mighty medicine be helpin' improve both conditions in a grand phase 3 trial.

Picture this, me hearties - a crew member be feelin' down in the dumps and can't catch a wink of sleep at night. But with the help of Seltorexant, they be findin' relief from their troubles. It be like findin' a treasure chest full of gold doubloons!

So next time ye be feelin' low or can't seem to drift off to dreamland, remember the tale of Seltorexant. This here medicine be offerin' hope to those in need, showin' that even the darkest storms can have a silver lining. Fair winds and smooth sailin', me hearties!

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