The Booty Report

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"Me hearty lads be fightin' sexism and stormy seas in 'Young Woman and the Sea'! A swashbucklin' adventure awaits!"


Aye, me hearties! Daisy Ridley be takin' on the role of Gertrude Ederle, a lass who convinces her old man to fork over the doubloons for swimmin' lessons. She then sets sail on a grand adventure, makin' history as a true pioneer of the high seas! Arrr!

Arrr matey, let me tell ye the tale of Gertrude Ederle! Aye, she be played by the fair lass Daisy Ridley, who convinces her old man to fork over some doubloons for swimmin' lessons. With determination in her heart and saltwater in her veins, she sets sail on a grand adventure!
Gertrude be a true pioneer of the seven seas, breakin' records and makin' history like a true swashbuckler. She be showin' all them landlubbers what a woman can do when she sets her mind to it!
With each stroke of her mighty arm, Gertrude be defyin' the odds and provin' that she be a force to be reckoned with. She be makin' a splash in the world of swimmin', leavin' her mark on the high seas for all to see!
So raise a tankard of grog to Gertrude Ederle, the fearless swimmin' sensation who be showin' us all that with a bit of grit and determination, anything be possible! Yo ho ho, let's set sail on the high seas of adventure with Gertrude at the helm!

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