The Booty Report

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Arrr, what be the cause of lasses reachin' womanhood afore their time? Aye, a curious conundrum indeed!


Arrr, me hearties! Them Chinese lasses be spendin' too much time starin' at screens and not enough time movin' their limbs. It be makin' them more likely to have excess poundage and all sorts of health troubles. Avast! Watch out fer them EPDs!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! Aye, the Chinese lasses be in trouble with the EPD, or early pubic hair development. Aye, the risk be high for those who be carryin' too much weight, not movin' their limbs enough, and starin' at them screens all day.
Arrr, it be a dangerous mix, me hearties. But the biggest culprit be the excess weight, whether alone or teamed up with the other sins. Aye, the lasses need to be out on the deck, runnin' around and enjoyin' the salty sea air instead of sittin' on their duffs all day.
So listen up ye Chinese girls, take heed of this warnin'! Put down those screens, get off your bums, and start movin' like the fierce pirates ye be! Let's avoid the EPD and keep our lasses healthy and strong. Arrr!

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