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Avast ye scallywags! Biden be lettin' Ukraine fire their cannons into Russia's backyard under duress! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in the White House be sayin' the captain's change o' course be only fer self-defense. To keep the land lubbers in Kharkiv safe, they be sayin'. Aye, a major policy shift it be, says I!

Arrr, me hearties, listen up to this news from the White House officials. They be talkin' 'bout the president makin' a major policy shift, like turnin' the sails in a storm. This change be all about Ukraine defendin' its second-largest city, Kharkiv, from them scurvy dogs.
But don't be thinkin' the president be givin' Ukraine a blank scroll to plunder as they please. Nay, it be only for acts of self-defense, like raisin' the Jolly Roger when the enemy be launchin' their cannonballs. Ye best believe Ukraine be needin' all the help they can get to protect Kharkiv, the jewel in their treasure chest.
So, me hearties, let's raise a tankard to this news and hope that Ukraine be holdin' onto Kharkiv like a pirate grip on a shiny doubloon. And let's not forget the president's policy flip-flop be makin' waves like a kraken in the deep sea. Arrr, the high seas of politics be choppy waters indeed!

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