The Booty Report

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Arrr, Cap'n Ruto be defendin' his shiny new sailin' vessel for his voyage to the land 'o the free!


Arrr! Cap'n William Ruto be swearin' on his treasure that 'twas only $76,000 doubloons for his fine private jet to the Americas, not the outrageous $1.2 million pieces o' eight that the scallywag media be spreadin' around the land! Aye, the truth be buried deeper than Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scallywags! Kenyan President William Ruto be talkin' about the cost of his private jet for his visit to the U.S. last week. He claims it be $76,000, not the $1.2 million reported by the local press. The crafty sea dog said he found a cheaper jet through his mates and even considered sailin' on Kenya Airways.Cap'n Ruto spent four days in the U.S., where President Joe Biden praised his "bold leadership." But the president's crew of 30, including musicians and a jester, caused a ruckus back home over the expenses, despite Ruto claimin' to be a responsible steward.The plunderin' politicians in Kenya be raisin' taxes on the common folk while lookin' to find $2.3 billion more to fund the budget. Ruto, who be callin' for less government spendin', defended the new taxes sayin' he won't let the country drown in debt.Arrr mateys, it be a tale of high seas and high costs as politicians squabble o'er the treasure chest of public funds. Fair winds and following seas, me hearties!

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