The Booty Report

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If Trump be imprisoned by Judge Merchan, he may lose his right to vote, arrr! Aye, aye matey!


Arrr mateys, it be said that the former President Trump be still able to cast his own vote this November, as long as he be not locked in a brig! In the Big Apple, even a scallywag with a record can still be a voter, if they be walking the plank free. Aye, the laws of the land be as treacherous as the open sea!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, it seems that former President Donald Trump be able to cast his vote fer himself this November, as long as he ain’t locked up in the brig!
In the land of New York, a swashbuckling felon can still sign up to vote if they be not rotting away in the dungeons, thanks to a law passed just last year. But for them scoundrels stuck in jail, they’ll have to wait till they’re set free to regain their voting rights.
Arrr, each state be having its own set o’ rules on when a scallywag be losing their right to vote, whether it be a temporary banishment or a permanent marooning.

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