The Booty Report

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Arr! Teen scallywags be denied GLP-1 coverage fer their plumpness. 'Tis a scurvy trick, mateys!


Arrr mateys, it be said that half of the young lads and lasses who be given their potions never did reach their full dose! 'Tis a scurvy tale indeed, as told by the scribes at Medscape Medical News. Aye, the sea be full of many a strange tale and folly!

Arrghh mateys, listen up! According to a study conducted by those landlubbers at Medscape Medical News, it be found that only half of the young scallywags who were given prescriptions for their ailments actually took enough medicine to reach their proper dose. Blimey! These scurvy dogs be neglecting their treatment like a bunch of lazy barnacles clinging to a ship's hull.

One can't help but wonder what be going on in the minds of these young buccaneers. Perhaps they be forgetting to take their medicine, or maybe they be afraid of the side effects. Or maybe they be too busy swashbuckling and pillaging to remember to swallow a few measly pills. Whatever the reason, it be a shame to see these young rapscallions not getting the treatment they need to stay healthy and hearty.

So heed this warning, me hearties! If ye be given a prescription for your ailments, make sure ye be taking it as directed by your friendly neighborhood sawbones. Don't be like those lazy scallywags in the study who couldn't be bothered to reach their proper dose. Take your medicine, me buckos, and stay healthy on the high seas!

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