The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! The Tribeca Festival be showin' a Liza Minnelli tale with rare treasures from the deep!


Avast ye scallywags! The scurvy dog Bruce David Klein's treasure trove of a documentary be debuting at the Tribeca Festival, full of ancient footage discovered in Minnelli's very own chest o' drawers. Arrr, what secrets and shenanigans be lurking in them old reels, I wonder? Aye aye, matey!

Arrr mateys! The Tribeca Festival be showin' a Liza Minnelli tale with rare treasures from the deep!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, fer I've got a tale to tell ye that'll make ye split yer sides with laughter. Aye, the director Bruce David Klein, he be showin' his documentary at the Tribeca Festival, and what a documentary it be! Tis full o' old footage, the likes o' which were found in Minnelli's very own closet, if ye can believe it!
Can ye imagine the shock on ol' Minnelli's face when he realized what hidden treasures he had stashed away? Aye, the secrets that be hidden in a pirate's closet, they be enough to make even the toughest seadog shiver in his boots!
So gather 'round, me mateys, and prepare yerselves for a rollickin' good time as we set sail on this adventure with Klein and Minnelli. Ye won't want to miss a single minute o' this documentary, fer it be chock-full o' surprises and laughs aplenty. Who knows what other treasures be waitin' to be discovered in that closet o' wonders?
So batten down the hatches and hoist the Jolly Roger, fer we be in fer a wild ride with Klein and Minnelli, and who knows what other secrets be waitin' to be revealed in this here documentary!

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