The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mexico be addin' a lass to the crew of Latin American leaders! Aye, a fine addition indeed!


Arrr matey! The land be havin' more than a dozen fair maidens at its helm, leadin' their people through treacherous waters of democracy. These lasses be showin' those authoritarian scallywags who's boss! Aye, a pirate's hat off to them!

Arr matey, listen up ye landlubbers! In this here region, we've seen more than a dozen lasses takin' charge as leaders. And mind ye, these women be in charge of democracies that used to be ruled by them authoritarian scallywags!
But shiver me timbers, that ain't all! These fearless females be showin' those power-hungry buccaneers across the seas in the United States a thing or two about leadership. They be showin' that women be just as capable as any man when it comes to runnin' a ship.
So next time ye think about who should be at the helm, remember the fierce women who be holdin' the reins in this region. They be breakin' barriers and showin' the world that a woman's place be wherever she darn well pleases. Aye, these be leaders worth admirin' and emulatin'.

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