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Arrr, the IDF be confirm'n the demise of 4 poor souls held captive by them scurvy Hamas scallywags.


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in Hamas have sent four poor souls to Davy Jones' Locker. The IDF be sharin' the sad news after gettin' ahold of new intelligence. Ye best believe there be some swashbucklin' to be done in retaliation! Aye, the seas be rough indeed.

Arrr, me hearties! Four poor souls be meetin' Davy Jones in the hands of them scurvy dogs of Hamas, the IDF be confirmin' on Monday. The kibbutz Nir Oz be mournin' the loss of three founders taken by them terrorist knaves on October 7. Amiram Cooper, Yoram Metzger, and Chaim Peri, all older than Blackbeard himself, were found dead in Khan Yunis, with Nadav Powell. Their bodies still be in Gaza, aye.These brave souls be seen in a video released by Hamas, lookin' thin and frail. They be cryin' out, "Don't let us grow old here, mateys! We be the ones who built Israel, why be we abandoned?" The families of these lost souls have been told of their fate, with the IDF investigatin' their deaths.Hamas be claimin' that Nadav Popplewell died from an Israeli airstrike, with no proof to their words. Now the pressure be on the Israeli government to agree to a cease-fire proposal to bring back the hostages and end the war.About 80 hostages still be alive in Gaza, with 43 others lost to the depths. The protests be growin', demandin' the return of their kin. Israeli leaders be standin' firm, continuin' their fight against Hamas until they be defeated.Cooper, Metzger, and Peri be remembered for their contributions to Nir Oz, a town ravaged by the attack. The conflict be takin' a toll on both sides, with casualties mountin' and humanitarian aid bein' cut off in Gaza. The battle rages on, but the hope for peace still flickers like a lantern in the night.

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