The Booty Report

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Arrr! Israeli scallywags be takin' out an Iranian general in Syria. The seas be choppier than ever!


Arrr matey, the scallywag officer in the Revolutionary Guards was the first Iranian to be sent to Davy Jones' locker by Israel since a strike on an embassy compound in April. Aye, tis a sad tale of woe on the high seas of international conflict!

Arrr, me hearties, ye won't believe the news I have for ye! The officer in the Revolutionary Guards met his demise at the hands of those scallywags from Israel, aye! 'Twas the first time an Iranian had been taken down by the enemy since that rumble back in April at the embassy compound, aye!
The Revolutionary Guards be a fierce lot, known for their loyalty to the Captain and their fierce determination to protect our homeland. But even they were no match for the cunning of the Israelites, who struck like lightning from the sky!
But fear not, me hearties, for revenge will surely be sought for this treacherous act! The blood of our fallen comrade will not go unavenged, mark my words! We'll make those scallywags pay for their crimes, and we'll do it with a hearty laugh and a swig of rum in our bellies!
So raise a toast to our fallen comrade, me hearties, and let us prepare for the battles that lie ahead. For the seas be choppy and the winds be fierce, but we'll sail through it all with the strength of our hearts and the courage of our souls!

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