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Arrr, Australia be seekin' mateys from foreign lands to help defend against scurvy dogs lookin' to pillage our treasures!


Arrr, Australia be lookin' to expand their crew with some savvy sailors from other lands. They be seekin' spies from the Five Eyes nations to help bolster their ranks. It be a recruitment drive fit for a pirate's tale!

In a jolly good turn of events, the Australian military be on the lookout for some new recruits, even if they be not citizens of the land down under, as announced by the government this week. Only those who hold Australian permanent residency from the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing partnership be eligible to join the ranks.Defense Minister Richard Marles be saying that this move be to strengthen the military against any foreign coercion, especially when trade routes be blocked. The goal be to increase the troop numbers from 63,600 to 80,000 by 2040 to fill in the current shortfall of 4,400 personnel.Australia be in need of more folks in uniform to protect its interests as an island nation that relies heavily on open sea and air routes for trade. The government be aiming to make the military more resilient in the face of potential threats, without trying to be as grand as the United States or China.New Zealanders and residents from the US, UK, and Canada will also be able to sign up in the future. The close allies be working together to strengthen their defense capabilities, especially in light of recent tensions with China over territorial disputes. But fear not, for the pirates of the southern seas be always ready to face any challenges that come their way!

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