The Booty Report

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Arrr, the influential Martin Starger be settin' sail for Davy Jones' locker at the ripe age of 92. Farewell, matey!


Arrr matey! This scallywag spent his days at ABC, the lowly deck swabber of prime time, and steered it to the top spot. He then crafted "Nashville" and snagged an Emmy for "Friendly Fire." Aye, a true hero of the high seas!

Arrr matey! In his ten years at ABC, that scurvy dog helped turn the tide and sail them to the top spot in prime time. Aye, the network that was once as useless as a barnacle on a ship's hull became a force to be reckoned with, all thanks to his savvy leadership. And let me tell ye, he wasn't done yet!
After his time at ABC, he went on to produce the hit show “Nashville” and even took home an Emmy for his work on “Friendly Fire.” Aye, he proved himself to be a true master of the seven seas of television, navigating through treacherous waters and coming out on top every time.
So raise a toast to this swashbuckling producer, whose talent be as vast as the ocean itself. He be a legend in the world of TV, a captain who steered his crew to victory time and time again. Aye, he be a true pirate of the small screen, leaving a trail of success in his wake wherever he goes. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, here's to the pirate of prime time!

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