Arrr! After much ponderin', it be decided that masks be as useful as a wooden leg on a fish!
Arrrgh me hearties! Fifteen moons hath passed since Cochrane took a blow to the noggin' and slapped a scarlet mark on its doubloons of research doubting the power of masks against the plague and the pox. The scallywags be declaring victory, but Cochrane be walkin' the plank with an anticlimactic whimper. They be lettin' the authors off the hook, arrrgh!
Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags! Fifteen moons have passed since them land lubbers at Cochrane decided to bow to the pressure and mark their own research with a scarlet letter, doubting the power of masks against the dreaded influenza and COVID-19. Aye, the authors were not pleased, but their voices were drowned out by the squawking parrots of the naysayers.But fear not, me hearties, for the saga has come to a disappointing end. Cochrane, that international research bunch funded by the American treasure, has finally spoken. And what did they say, ye ask? Well, they decided to let the authors off the hook, not forcing 'em to walk the plank for their doubts and questions.
So there ye have it, me mateys. The tale of Cochrane and their misadventures in the realm of masks has come to a close. Let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags out there - sometimes, even the mightiest of ships can change course when the winds of public opinion be blowin' strong. Arrr!