The Booty Report

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Aye, 'tis rumored that Will Lewis be a scoundrel using pilfered papers to steer the ship of journalism in ye olde U.K. Arrr!


Aye, 'twas long afore he be the Post's captain, Will Lewis sent a scallywag to scribble on pilfered phone scrolls, a salty dog be tellin' the tale. Arrr, aye, the ways of the press be as treacherous as the seven seas!

Arrr, mateys! A tale be told of the Post’s publisher, Will Lewis, in his younger days. Aye, afore he took the helm, he be assignin' a piece based on pilfered phone records, as told by a scallywag who sailed with him. Aye, ye heard it right! The lad had a taste for mischief, it seems.
Now, stealin' phone records be no small feat, mind ye. 'Tis a risky business, indeed. But young Lewis, he be bold as a buccaneer on the high seas! No fear in his heart, no sir.
Ye can picture it now, can't ye? The lads and lasses at the Post, scurvy dogs all, conspirin' and plottin' like a band of pirates. Oh, the tales they must have spun, the secrets they must have uncovered!
But be warned, me hearties! Such antics be frowned upon in these modern times. Aye, the law be harsh on those who dare to plunder in the name of journalism. So keep a weather eye on the horizon, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!

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