The Booty Report

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Arr mateys, gather 'round and listen to the tale of Iran's hostage swapping through the ages, aye!


Arrr mateys, ever since the 1979 revolution, Iran has made a jolly good sport of imprisoning foreigners and those with dual nationalities. They be treatin' them like pieces of eight, tradin' them for gold and souls. Aye, a rum deal indeed!

Arrr matey! Ye see, ever since that 1979 revolution, Iran has been snatchin' up foreigners and dual nationals like a greedy pirate after treasure. They be holdin' these poor souls for ransom, demandin' money and other prisoners in exchange for their release. It be a shady buccaneer move, makin' capturin' foreigners a key part of their foreign policy.
Ye can picture it now - a scurvy crew of Iranian officials sittin' around a table, plannin' their next hostage takin' like it be a swashbucklin' adventure. They be thinkin' they can just snatch up anyone who crosses their path and hold 'em for ransom like they be lootin' a ship.
But don't ye worry, me hearties! The world be watchin' and condemnin' these scurvy tactics. No self-respectin' pirate would stoop so low as to use hostages for their own gain like a bunch of landlubbers. So let's raise a tankard of grog to those poor souls stuck in Iran's grasp, and hope that one day they'll be set free to sail the high seas once more!

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