The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Israel be sayin' they'll calm the storm in Southern Gaza, less the cannons be fired. Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The captain, Benjamin Netanyahu, be taken aback by the crew's decision to lay low during daylight in the aid passage. But fear not, me hearties, for the raid on Rafah shall still go on! Onward we go, in search of booty and victory! Aye!

Arr matey! Prime Minister Netanyahu be caught off guard by the scallywags in the military, who be announcing they be takin' a break from their daytime pillagin' in a crucial aid passage. But don't ye be thinkin' the raid be over, me hearties! The officials be makin' it clear that the attack on Rafah be far from finished.
Seems like there be some confusion among the crew, with the Prime Minister scratchin' his head and wonderin' what be goin' on with the sudden ceasefire. But the military be standin' firm in their decision to keep on fightin' in Rafah, no matter what surprises come their way.
So, me fellow scallywags, it looks like the battle be far from over in the aid corridor. The Prime Minister may be taken aback, but the military be pressin' on with their plans. Keep yer eyes peeled and yer cutlasses ready, for this fight be far from finished!

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