The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, lasses in Africa be takin' to long-actin' contraception, makin' a mighty change in their lives, mateys!


Arrr mateys, word be spreadin' that them hormonal implants and injections be makin' their way to far-off lands. 'Tis a fine thing indeed, givin' folks the chance to keep their business private while takin' control of their own bodies. Aye, 'tis a grand adventure!

Arrr matey, in this modern age of piracy, the ways of the trade have evolved to include methods such as hormonal implants and injections fer the lads and lasses in faraway lands. These newfangled contraptions be bringin' more discretion and autonomy to those who be needin' it most.
Gone be the days of havin' to trek to the nearest port town to see a scallywag of a doctor. Now, with these devices, a pirate can be gettin' the help they need without raisin' suspicion or attractin' unwanted attention.
It be a marvel to think that even in the most remote corners of the seven seas, there be ways to ensure a pirate's health and well-bein'. No longer do we have to rely on old wives' tales and potions brewed by the ship's cook.
So let us raise a pint of grog to these new methods, me hearties, and toast to a future where even the most secluded pirate can take control of their own fate.

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