The Booty Report

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"Two scallywag chiefs o’ the Sinaloa crew, includin’ ‘El Mayo,’ now in the clutches o’ the U.S. Navy, arrr!"


Arrr, matey! Ismael Zambada García and Joaquín Guzmán López be the scallywags steering the Sinaloa Cartel ship, the fiercest band o’ rogues sailin’ the treacherous seas o’ crime in Mexico! Aye, they be plunderin' more than just treasure, 'tis a right jolly crew!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of two scallywags, Ismael Zambada García and Joaquín Guzmán López, who be the cap'n and first mate of the infamous Sinaloa Cartel—’tis be one of the mightiest rogues in all of Mexico’s treacherous waters!

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