The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The scallywags o' Final Fantasy 7 be plunderin' the past, resurrectin' lost treasure for our gaming delight!


Arrr matey! New garb be donned, the lands be charted proper, an' the grand flickerin' tales be brought back from Davy Jones' locker! Hoist the sails an' let's revel in this jolly bounty!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I bring tidings from the briny deep of game development! Aye, there be new costumes aboard this fine vessel, shinier than a treasure chest full o' doubloons! Ye’ll be sportin’ garb fit fer a captain, or perhaps a landlubber if ye fancy a laugh!

And lo! The localization be fixed, savvy? No more confusin’ translations that make ye think ye be speakin’ to a parrot instead of a fellow pirate! Now ye can understand the tales of yore clearer than a siren’s song, makin’ yer quest for gold all the more enjoyable. Aye, let the winds of clarity blow through yer sails!

But that be not all, me mateys! The FMVs be restored, like a long-lost treasure bein’ dredged from the depths! Those cinematic gems be returnin’ with a splash, ready to whisk ye away on a grand adventure filled with swashbucklin’ action and shenanigans aplenty! So grab yer tankards and raise a toast to these fine upgrades!

So, hoist the flag and prepare yer crew, fer this voyage be ripe with merriment and mirth! Join us as we embark on this jolly escapade, where new costumes, clear talk, and revived tales await! Arrr!

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