The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Ahoy, mateys! Hollywood be sayin', “Yo ho, red states! Our films be ripe fer yer viewing pleasure!”


Arrr, matey! After a spell o' preachin' with their flickerin' tales, them studios be catchin' wind from landlubbers ye call ticket buyers: "Just spin us a yarn and keep the grog flowin'!" Aye, let the jolly laughter and swashbucklin' fun reign supreme!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for a tale of the silver screen, where once the landlubbers of the movie studios sailed the seas of progress with their banners of lofty ideals, shoutin' about justice and equality. Aye, they thought us hearty souls would be pleased, but lo and behold, the tides be turnin'!

With a hearty chuckle, it appears many a ticket buyer be cryin' out, “Nay, good sirs! Just entertain us!” Aye, we ain't wantin' no sermons from the captain's quarters while we be munchin' on our popcorn treasures! We seek adventure, laughter, and perhaps a bit o' swashbucklin' action to keep our spirits high and our grog flowing.

So, what be the studios doin', ye ask? They be listenin' to the call of the crew, settin' sail for simpler waters where the tales be light and the jests be plenty! Out with the heavy-hearted dramas and in with the belly-laughin' comedies and grand escapades! Now, instead of preachin', the silver screen be servin' up a hearty plate of good ol' fun! Arrr, it be a fine day for pirates and landlubbers alike to gather and enjoy the show without thinkin' too hard! Yo ho ho and a barrel of laughs!

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